Future Care Options - Live-in Care

I am passionate that, when considering making provision for care needs, people should be aware of the various options available. In my previous blog I focused on the option of Multigenerational Living and this Blog focuses on another option - Live-in Care.

What is Live-in Care?

Many people will have never heard of Live-in Care, but the concept is  similar to that of employing a Live-in Nanny to  care for children.

Briefly it is the provision of care by 1 – 2 carers that live either in your home or in accommodation on your property. The care given may be 12 hour or 24 hour 1 – 7 days per week dependent on need and some Agencies also include Nursing Care.

Carers are provided by specialist regulated Agencies. Although the Service is chargeable the costs are equivalent to, or in some cases cheaper than, Care Home fees the main advantage being that Live-in Care enables people to remain at home.

This is option is not for everyone! However, the true story below is one where this Option, if known at the time, could have been an ideal solution.   

Whilst working in the NHS I frequently visited people who had been childhood sweethearts, married young ,celebrated their Golden Wedding and successive anniversaries, were still in love and had been living happily with their partners. Until, that is, one of them became ill, losing independence and becoming too difficult for their partner to manage their care needs alone at home.

One visit  stays fresh in my mind – an assessment visit, on a very wet  winter day,  to an elderly gentleman living alone in a two bedroomed flat. When I arrived at 11:30am , he politely asked how long the assessment would take, as he would have to leave the flat at 12noon to visit his wife in a local Care Home. He then explained that as he was no longer able to drive, walking to the Care Home took  twenty minutes, and he visited her every day to assist her with eating her lunch, then stayed with her until the evening.

” We love each other so much” he said, his eyes misting over, “ but I had to let her go as I’ve no longer got the physical strength to look after her here. She is my life and I miss holding her at night.” Heartbreaking!!!!! Of course, I insisted on giving him a lift to the Care Home.

Live- in Care may have been an ideal solution for this couple as they could have remained in their home together and continued to live the lifestyle they enjoyed, but at the time I didn’t know this option existed.

But Live- in Care is  not only for older couples. It is an option for single people, and for people of any age who wish to remain in their own home. 

So, let’s look at the main advantages and disadvantages of Live-In Care.


·         Ability to remain together, and preserve a relationship with, a much- loved partner.

·         Control of lifestyle and routine enabling best quality of life.

·         Can keep much-loved pets.

·         No need to sell / move home and  move into a regimented environment.

·         Independence and a positive outlook on life is encouraged.

·         Regular familiar and trusted live-in carers.

·         Social interaction - physical emotional social and leisure needs are met.

·         Peace of mind for family members. 



·         Lifestyle – may prefer to live with others in a secure setting.

·         Potential loneliness - isolation from a peer group.

·         House may hold unpleasant memories.

·         Cost – may be unable to afford Live-In Care.

·         Agencies will  require availability of specific facilities for their staff.

·         Property suitability – may not be possible to adapt / accommodate Live in Carer(s).

·         Family members may live too far away for regular visiting.

In Summary -

The option of Live-in Care is dependent on an individuals’ personality and care preference.  It is not the solution for everyone  but is one worth considering.

For further information on advice regarding Live-In Care  I can recommend contacting

Janet Shreeve  and Heledd Wyn. Details below:

 Janet Shreeve

Shreeve Care Services Ltd


Tel: Mob: 07827 324590


Heledd Wyn – Solicitor

 (Long Term Care & Private Clients)

Shakespear Martineau

email: heledd.wyn@shma.co.uk

Tel: 0117 9069438

It is probable that the property may require some adaptations to meet the requirements for Live-In Care – so please contact me – I will be delighted to help you!